WOO HOO!! I've been Tagged Again!
I was tagged again by my blogging friend, Courtney Fowler!! Thanks so much Courtney! Now, all of you... go check out her blog. She is one talented chick and her family stories will definitely make you laugh!!!
First of all is the "Spread the Love" award. That is truly one sweet special treat Courtney. Thank you with all of my heart!
I was tagged again by my blogging friend, Courtney Fowler!! Thanks so much Courtney! Now, all of you... go check out her blog. She is one talented chick and her family stories will definitely make you laugh!!!
First of all is the "Spread the Love" award. That is truly one sweet special treat Courtney. Thank you with all of my heart!

L - LOVE ALL of my new friends I've met through Blogging and Beate Johns Fresh & Fun
stamp group!
O - OH MY GOODNESS...It's almost Valentine's Day and I still haven't bought my love of my life
his gift! Better get on that!! LOL
R - REALLY happy that I decided to start my own blog because if I didn't I would have never
met all of you wonderful people!
R - READING all of your blogs and posts to Beate's group have really made me thankful that I
have all of you for your awesome inspiration and friendship!
A - ALWAYS willing to help a friend. I am one of those people that will do anything for my
friends and family. I'm always here for you all and I'm am happy to be here for you all!!
I - IN LOVE with my husband of almost 15 years!! I am so in love with the man I married and
so thankful to have him. He's the absolute best husband and father! Love you my chicken
N - NOT always the most organized person. I really try to be, considering I have OCD
(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) but my medication is really working and has given me the
power to let things go!! That's a really good thing for me!
E - EACH and EVERY day I thank God for giving me my healthy family to love and cherish!!
I hope that helped you to learn a little bit about me. NOW, I want to learn more about some of you!! Here goes...
Nicole Cooke The Stampin' Librarian
Nicole Cooke The Stampin' Librarian
Thanks for playing! I've learned a lot about you!!!