

1,000 Hits-BLOG CANDY

Ok, I NEVER thought I'd get to 100 let alone 1,000 hits!!! Thank you all for visiting my little 'ol blog. When my counter hits 1,000 I'm giving away some treats! For your wonderful support I am going to give out some blog candy!! All you have to do is tell me what you look for in a blog. Do you want pictures, new techniques, cards, scrapbook pages, non card items, a lot of writing, a little writing??? What ever you look for in a blog, I want to know. SO, leave me a comment on this post and I will pick a winner by random on Friday 10/26 (26 is my favorite number). Good Luck and thanks again for stopping by, I appreciate it more than you know!

This blog candy consists of:
SU! Ribbon Originals-Prep School Retired-2 yards of each ribbon. Although this is not in it's original packaging, it is NOT used!
Art Accentz Terrifically Tacky Tape-1/8"-5 yards
3 yards each of blue, yellow and white 5/8" ribbon non SU!.
Mod Design accents - 6 pieces, 5 are double sided
5 Prima Flowers


  1. Congratulations Lorraine! I am always looking for new techniques, scrapbook pages, alterables, so any ideas would be great! Thanks for the chance at the treats.
    Ilene B.

  2. Pictures, pictures, pictures is what I want. I don't need a lot of words unless it is an unusual technique. Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

  3. Congrats on 1,000 hits! I'll play for this sweet candy giveaway! What do I like to see on blogs....EVERYTHING! Techniques, altered items, tutorials, samples, scrapbook pages, and of course a little bit of this and little bit of that. Thanks for a chance at your sweet giveaway.

  4. Ooohhh! FABULOUS candy!! I love to see tutorials and photos of your creations. I also like blogs that are updated frequently. Thanks!
    Cheryl KVD

  5. Congratulations on hits! I'm a big fan of daily updates on cards and sometimes some tutorials.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. Congratulations. I look for ideas for cards, tutorials and links to every more ideas.
    Linda Peterson

  7. Congratulations ! I love to see altered items, holiday items, pictures and stamping/stamping rooms.
    Show us yours!

  8. Congratulations! I love ideas for easy to make cards and gifts. Especially at the holidays!

  9. Congratulations! I like to see the great designs and new techniques on blogs. A little humor here and there doesn't hurt, either!

  10. Hi Lorraine!
    Congratulations on 1000...that's great!!!

    Thank you for offering a chance to win those much-sought-after goodies :)

    What I look for in a blog is frequent posting. I get disappointed and then frustrated if I keep checking a blog only to find the same page is still there.

  11. Hey Lorraine,

    I love your blog, just as it is! Your pictures are great, and so are the instructions. Thanks for sharing!

    BTW, I grew up in Fremont until I was 12 before we moved to Colorado. I love it here, but miss CA too.

    Happy Stampin'!

  12. Congratulations on 1,000 hits Lorranie! I'd love to win your great Blog Candy!!! I love looking and samples on cards and altered items for inspiriation. Keep up the good work I love looking at your ideas.


  13. I have enjoyed your blog ever since that scrappy ribbon card and the flower wedding dress card caught my eye...wonderful job. Congrats on all your hits...a blog is a lot of work and I am glad others appreciate your talent!

  14. Congrats! I love seeing tutorials and different card ideas. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Congrats! :) I love to see blogs that are nice looking (like yours!), and tutorials are always fun! :)

  16. Thanks for sharing! My blog has almost 1000 hits too - isn't it fun to see the counter increase? Great work...

  17. Great candy!!! Congrats on your 1000 hits. I really like pictures of cards, how you made them, that kind of stuff. I like a little writing. It helps to kind of get to know that person. But mostly cards, cards and more cards!!!

  18. Congrats, Lorraine! I love seeing pictures of cards and scrapbook pages, and especially new ideas! And I adore tutorials, since I'm kind of slow and have to be led through the process sometimes... :-P

  19. Congratulations Lorraine! One day I to will have the courage to start a blogg and share some of myself.

    I think for me it it's pictures of everyday life and then words + pic's if its a technique. Scrapbook pages, lots and lots of them, making sure that the writing is readable.. Hope this helps

    Delia W

  20. Congrats on 1000 hits..and I love to look for good pictures of cards...tutorials with step by step photos (can't figure the steps in my head) and love to read about the stamper and their family. Sort of binds the whole thing together.

    Thanks for the great give-away!!

  21. I like looking at what you creat and how you came about it but if you have a mixed blog, meaning your life is mixed in-even better. I try to keep mine seperate as some dont want anything but art--but whatever works, if its good, interesting and worth while, I will come back.

  22. Hi Lorraine,
    Your blog candy is quite a nice treat! I look for great card ideas, color combinations, information on tools or prodcuts, sale information, and a little humor is always nice! I also love to see pics of babies!! :) If there's music on the blog, there better also be a volume control or a button to turn it off! ;-)

  23. Congrats on the hits - well done, great blog. I like lots of pictures particularly of cards and if possible some instructions when particular techniques are used, but mainly the pictures of cards for inspiration. Thanks for the chance, love the candy.

  24. Wonderful Job Lorraine!!! I love to look at pictures of peoples creative side!! Ideas develop from there. Since we are in the Arctic, I also love to look at blogs that show green grass and trees... Wonderful Candy....

  25. Congratulationos on the hits Lorraine!
    What I love to see on blogs are pictures, techniques and some humor:)

  26. Hi Lorraine! Congrats on your blog's success. I always look for great cards, good pictures and a medium amount of writing with at least a little bit of humor. :-)

  27. Congrats you made it!! I like a blog that post often.

  28. I like a blog with regular posts and lots of pictures of projects.

  29. Congrats!!! that is amazing!!

    I love to see sketches, cards and everything but the most is to post often!


  30. Congrats! Love all the pictures, that's what I want to see on blogs. You've done great ornaments!
    What amazing blog candy!
    ~Jennifer T. in Marietta, GA

  31. Wonderful blog! I enjoy new techniques and pictures are always a plus. I can then see the technique and put it into action. Cards and home dec projects are what I'm currently into so seeing projects like these always draw me to a blog.
    Thanks for the opportunity to score some candy and enjoy your week!

  32. Great blog!! Congrats on 1000 hits! I am getting closer but still trailing behind by quite a bit . . . can't wait to hit 1000 so I can give some blog candy away to my gals, too! Okay, okay as for your question about what I like in a blog--pictures and some chatter. I like to read how you did that awesome project, especially if it is something new to me, and a little personal stuff thrown in is nice so that we get to know you a little bit. :) Again, congrats!! Stop by and say hi at my blog, too!

  33. 1000 hits...congratulations! love any tutorials out there =)

  34. I just found your blog, Lorraine. It is AWESOME!!! I like your fun ideas and unique creations. I appreciate all of the photos and step-by-step tutorials! That is just what I want in a blog. Thanks for sharing your creativity with the rest of us! :) And thanks for entering me in your blog candy drawing!

    Julie Warnken

  35. I look for a style I like... if I find the cards and other items inspiring i'll bookmark the site, add it to my blogroll, and visit often! :) Congrat's on the hits!!

  36. Great blog! I like blogs with lots of stamping-only pictures (not a lot of personal stuff mixed in), directions for new techniques, and a bit of humor thrown in to make it interesting!

    Joyce Spear

  37. I enjoy blogs that are updated frequently and have pictures and detail of cards and/or scrapbook layouts. I also enjoy product reviews and technique tutorials. Congrats on the success of your blog, and thanks for the chance to win.

  38. Congrats! I love all your non-card ideas. The colors are great. Thank you for sharing!!!!

  39. Hi Honey- I am so proud of you!! I just went to your blog earlier. Your hard work and dedication(long nights)is paying off. It looks like you have quite a following. You are getting a little goofy though... Oh yeah; Please enter your husband in the drawing.

  40. Hi Honey- I am so proud of you!! I just went to your
    blog earlier. Your hard work and dedication(long nights) is paying off.
    It looks like you have quite a following. You are getting a little
    goofy though... Oh yeah; please enter your husband in the drawing.

  41. I mostly enjoy looking at photos of fantastic cards. I also love family photos and humor. (I'm also enjoying your nail art:)

  42. I love blogs and enjoy cards and scrapbooking ideas and tutorials. The only thing I dislike is when music will suddenly blare and scare the living daylight out of me.

  43. I think its great the way it is, a little bit of everything and I think the nail idea was fun!!

  44. Hi Lorraine!
    Congratulations on 1000...that's great!!!

    Thank you for offering a chance to win those much-sought-after goodies :)

    What I like to find on a blog is new ideas for using old techniques. For example...your haunted house card using the soot technique...great!

  45. Hi Lorraine,
    I enjoy your blog and love the pics you post! I must be visual cuz I can so much out of just looking at the pics. Your tutorials are good, tho!

    Congrats on your sucessful blog!!!
    Your blog candy is great!!

  46. Hi Lorraine!
    Congratulations on 1000...that's great!!!

    Thank you for offering a chance to win those much-sought-after goodies :)

    What I like to find on a blog is new ideas, like your clear potpourri is so pretty!


Thank you for taking the time to send me your comments. I read them all and will respond soon if you've left me a message. Thank you and have a wonderful day!