

10,000 Hits Blog Candy

OH MY GOODNESS!! I can't believe I've had almost 10,000 hits on my blog!!! I would like to send a super special THANK YOU to all of you that read my blog and share your comments with me. Not only am I flattered that you all come here to visit me but I am so honored that you take the time to send me your comments too! You are the reason I have this blog and I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you. about some blog candy??? You ALL deserve some blog candy but unfortunately I haven't won the lottery yet so I can't send you all a special treat. But, one lucky winner will win and I'm so happy that I can offer that. I'm not exactly sure what the candy will be right now but I do know it will have a Stampin' Up! Sale A Bration Stamp set in it! When I get it together I will post a picture. For now, I would love to know what state/country you are in. I'm just curious to know where all my friends are. So, all you have to do to be entered in this blog candy giveaway is leave me a little comment telling me where you are. Please leave me your name too (first name is all I need) and if you have a picture of yourself that would be totally awesome to see but not mandatory. Also, if you have a blog or website I'd love to know that address so I can go and check out all of your wonderful art work. Ok, that's it. I will choose a winner as soon as my hit counter hits 10,000!! Good luck to you all and I promise you won't be disappointed with the candy you can win! Thank you all again and I hope you all have a wonderful day! Lorraine


  1. Hi Lorraine -

    You know I love your blog. 10,000 well deserved hits - CONGRATULATIONS!! Your projects are always fabulous, I so appreciate the inspiration you provide!

    I am in Madison, Wisconsin.

  2. Here I am -in Flushing, MI-about 15 miles from Downtown Flint (the armpit of America) . I am not having fun as there is too much snow, too much cold and I am still in my jammies at 4 PM!

  3. Congrats on 10K!! I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and viewing your creations! Thanks for sharing :)

    I'm in NJ, USA

  4. I get a lot of inspiration from your Blog. Congratulations...
    (I don't have a fairly new to stamping)

    I live in Elyria, Ohio

  5. Congrats Lorraine! I am in Washington state...didn't know if you knew that or not. You don't need to count me in for the blog candy but I wanted to say hey!

  6. Congrats on your 10,000 hits. You have a wonderful b log. Lots of good ideas here. TFS.
    I am Kris in Nova Scotia, Canada
    My Blog...

  7. Congrats!! I love your blog!! I am in Cincinnati Ohio.... don't have a blog yet, but i am working on it!

  8. I always enjoy your blog! I am in Colorado Springs, CO.

  9. Hi again! It's Allison in Calgary but who lived in Fremont from 1999-2003! (Stevenson Blvd!)

    Oh, I wish I were there some days with all the green, the 70 something days and the fun stuff to go see! But, with kids, it is good to be close to home!

    Congrats to you!

  10. Wow, congrats on the milestone! :) I actually just found your blog through Allison's, and your stuff is fabulous! So many fun cards :)

    I'm in Salt Lake City, UT (not to far, huh?). I'd love it if you feel like dropping by my blog:

  11. Scottsdale, Arizona. Great blog, congratulations on your ten-k!

  12. Congrats on 10K!!! I am in Mesa, AZ! where is Fremont???

  13. Hi there. I have visited your blog every once in awhile. Congrats on your 10,000 hits--waht an accoplishment. I live in the burbs just outside of Chicago IL. We are all tired of winter. Thanks for the blog candy opp. darlene

  14. Congrats on all the're at 9955 now! I'd LOVE to win this sweet candy...with a SAB stamp set...oh ya! I haven't had a new stamp set FOREVAH! Thanks for your generosity and for this chance to win!
    'Love the cards you made for the Regional swap...very creative!
    ~Brenda (it's crazy freezin' cold here in Canada)

  15. Enjoy your blog. I do not have a time right now to make the proper commitment in time. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the new celebration stamps so I have my fingers crossed. Congrats on 10,000
    From Northern Indiana

  16. Congratulations on 10K hits! That is a terrific testament to you. Thanks for entering me, I'm Jan from Ontario. :) Happy Day
    bluemoonbynite (at) yahoo (dot ) com

  17. Congratulations! This is Lorri from Minneapolis, MN.

  18. Hi! I'm in Marietta, GA.
    Just started a blog last month:
    I've been stamping for about 5 years.

  19. I live in PA, USA.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. Congrats- I'm Tami from Knoxville, TN

    my blog should show up with my name.

  21. Good morning and congratulations on your hits! I just found your blog - I am in NC, just outside of Charlotte and we are freezing our buns off today!

  22. Congrats! Rachel from Texas!
    I'm not very good, but here is my blog!

  23. Angel here from warm and sunny Georgia (well 48*).
    I just found your blog and am ready to look around a bit. Congrats on your hits!!

  24. I am in Denver, CO . Congratulations on 10,000 hits.

  25. Congratulations! YOu have a wonderful blog.
    Claudia, WI cold and snowy today

  26. Congrats on your 10K Hits! Great accomplishment! Thanks for a chance to win some blog candy! I'm in British Columbia, Canada!

  27. Hello, this is Annelies from Belgium. Congratulations with your hits!

  28. Stephanie in Ohio. Congrats on a great blog. I just started mine so it is so blah.

  29. 10,000 hits?! Wow! Amazing!!

    Congratulations on your milestone. I don't visit many blogsites (and don't have my own either yet) but I always make a point of visiting yours.

    Thank you for sharing your creativity and generous spirit with us!

    Naomi from Southern Cal

  30. Congrats on reaching 10k! Thanks for the great candy!

  31. Congrats on the number of hits on your blog! I'm Sandye from Kentucky--and I don't have a blog. But I sure enjoy looking at others!

  32. Am I allowed to sign up for Blog Candy? I like candy. :O

  33. Oh yeah, I'm Elizabeth from California. ;) And I know I should update my stampin' blog. :P

  34. Sara from Arkansas. Thanks for the chance to win.

  35. Congrats on the hits. I am in Central Minnesota. Freezing cold today with the wind. Thanks for the chance on the blog candy.
    Angel Hugs
    Debby @ Debby's Stampin' Heaven

  36. Congrats on the hits. I'm Mandiannie from Alberta. I'd love a chance to win your goodies.
    Hope your day is blessed with the warmth of God's love and all the blessings that only He can bring.

  37. Congrats on your hits...your have some great creations on your site...thanks for the chance..
    Susan...SLC, Utah

  38. Hi Lorraine - just found your blog and it's great! I've put you in my google blog reader so I don't miss any of your cool stuff. I'm in colorful Colorado! I got to your blog via Allison the super stamper and blogger from Canada! Congrats on your 10k - I just started and can't even imagine it!
    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful artwork! ~chris

  39. Congrats on all your hits.....totally awesome. Hi, I'm Cindy from Pennsylvania. Thanks for the chance! :o)

    Cindy Coffman

  40. Wow!! I would love a SU stamp set!!! I am Cheryl and I'm from Wisconsin. We've had over 90 inches of snow this winter!!! My blog is at and you can see a photo of me there. Thanks!
    Cheryl KVD

  41. How fun! Congratulations on all the hits! My name is Samantha my blog is
    I currently live right outside of Charlotte, NC but am origionally from CT. I LOVE NC though!!! Thank so much for sharing blog candy with us all! Stop by and visit me (my blog) if you have a chance! -Samantha

  42. Congratulations on the 10,000 hits.
    I live in snowy Michigan---we managed to set a record for the most snow in February---getting very tired of snow covered roads every morning--Oh well, March is starting tomorrow.
    Linda Peterson

  43. Congratulations on your hits!

    I live in Lugoff, South Carolina. My blog is

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  44. Hello! Thanks for posting your creations- I love surfing the net for stamping inspiration :) I live in Indiana.


Thank you for taking the time to send me your comments. I read them all and will respond soon if you've left me a message. Thank you and have a wonderful day!