

Blog Candy Winner!!

Thank you so very much for all of your wonderful comments! I sincerely appreciate each one!

I had choose a number and that number was 19!!

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers: 19
Timestamp: 2008-08-28 13:40:33 UTC

SO... Claudia, I will email you for your address so I can get your blog candy in the mail to you!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

Claudia said...
I love the bright colored card you made for the 90th birthday, it's so beautiful. Love your
August 11, 2008 6:58 AM

I'm still having a little trouble with my Photoshop program but I finally got some pictures to upload of the blog candy. Here's what Claudia won!!
Just in case you can't read the stamps in the set here's what they say: big, DREAM, LIVE, THANKS, NEWS, wish, day. The set is retired and from Stampin' Up! and is called Think Big.

1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to send me your comments. I read them all and will respond soon if you've left me a message. Thank you and have a wonderful day!