

MISS Swap Cards

As promised here are the cards I received from Jeanne Bohanon's MISS Swap! I just have to tell you that I was so impressed with this swap and I plan on joining more of Jeanne's MISS Swaps. Like I said on over to Jeanne's blog and sign up, you won't regret it! Come back tomorrow to see the card I made for this swap. I hope to see you then!

This first card was created by Jennifer Huber. Just look at the different centers for each flower! Plus, she stamped the sentiment right on the twill ribbon and it didn't bleed!! How awesome is that? I've never been able to stamp on ribbon without it bleeding! Great job Jennifer!

This card was created by Sherry Wilfong-Palzet. Let me tell you an awesome secret about this card...see that pretty ribbon? First of all, it goes ALL the way around the card. Second, there is no seam to be seen!!! Sherry hid the seam under the wagon!!! That is one awesome little trick Sherry!! I will definitely be using that trick!!This cute little ducky card was created by Donna Centamore. I've got a totally goose bump inspiring story to tell you about Donna. Come back tomorrow for that story!! Well, as you can see, this card is absolutely darling! Check out the little ducky's's all sparkly with chunky glitter!! WOO HOO! I LOVE SPARKLY STUFF! Oh, and check out the Eyelet Border punch...she layered the border and the holes don't show in the layer underneath. That is something I would have never thought of. I would have thought the holes would have shown through. Great idea Donna!! Oh, and check out the inside of the card below. Too cute!!!Here's another awesome card. Barbara Jean Smith created this incredible card with an interesting fold. Check out the next picture to see how it opens. It's totally 3-D!! Take a good look at that wagon's completely cut out, every detail! Barbara Jean used some gold ink for the details of the wagon as she made it look totally like barn wood. You've got to see this in real life. It looks like real wood!!
Here's our Hostesses card, Jeanne Bohanon. Look at the water coloring detail of this heart image. It looks like the heart is raised and the inside of the vine border is deeper than the rest of the image. It might not come over that way online but in person this card is gorgeous! Just look at the super soft embossing from our new Embossing Templates. The softness of the embossing goes perfectly with this card! Check out the unique fold of this card too! Scroll down to the next picture to see the inside!


Jeanna Bohanon's Amazing Swap

Happy Tuesday!!
I just have to tell you about this amazing swap I was in. Jeanna Bohanon held this swap and I received some absolutely incredible cards. I will be sharing them with you tomorrow so don't forget to come back. What I would like to tell you is that Jeanna is having another swap so click on over to her blog and sign up. You won't regret it!
Have a super sweet day!


A Few Projects

Here are a few projects I made for Easter. The bunny cards are made with the Scallop Die for the Big Shot. The ears are made using the new Oval Scallop Punch and the Small Oval Punch. The whiskers on the white bunny are pretty crooked. Don't know how that happened...LOL!! All the girls in the family got a white bunny and the boys got the chocolate bunnies. The last card is another Manhattan Flower Embossing Folder card and the last picture is the Birthday Tag I made for my son's teacher.
Thanks for stopping by to see me today. Have a wonderful evening!


Mickey Mouse & A Sunflower Box

I bet you can't guess where we went for Spring Break!! LOL!! Yes, it was Disneyland! If you're anything like me you always have stampin' on your mind. The whole time we were in Disneyland I was thinking about what I could do to make a Mickey Mouse card and/or scrapbook pages. Well, we were in one of the so many stores and I found a pair of designer edge scissors that were Mickey Mouse heads. I had to have it. Didn't know what I would do with them but I still had to have them! When I got home I found out the scissors weren't that sharp and didn't cut a very clean edge so I decided to make a card using my own Mickey Mouse head. Here it is! All the details are below.
Thanks for coming by to see me today and I hope you had a great spring break!
This little box is just the cutest thing I've seen in a while. I met with some SU! friends last night and this is what Gina Cardera, one of the girls, brought for us to make! Isn't it just the cutest thing?!?!?! Gina got the idea from our SU! Website. If you are a demonstrator you can click here for full instructions and more samples. If you are not a demonstrator you can go to BJ Peters blog to see instructions on how to make these kind of boxes but you'll have to wait for her tutorial on this particular box. Sorry about that. I think it's worth the wait though!!Now for the Mickey Mouse details.
Everything is SU!
Mickey's head was made using the Circle Scissor Plus and Glass Mat. Cut a 2" circle.
His ears are punched out with the 1 1/4" Circle Punch
His Face is all made using the Small Oval Punch
His nose is the 1/4" circle punch (retired)
His eyes are also made using the 1/4" circle punch for the white and 1/8" punch for the center of his eyes.
The Bow Tie is made by cutting a 1/2" square then cutting it diagonally and then add a 1/4" punch for the center.
The small Mickey Mouse corners were made with the 1/4" and 1/8" punches.
The mouth was hand drawn.
I forgot his eyebrows...LOL!
The stamp used is from the Oval All set in the Occasions Mini and punched out with the Large Oval Punch.


Birthday Monkey

Here's a little birthday monkey for my son's teacher. Her birthday is next week and since we'll be on spring break we are celebrating today at school. He's made with lots of punches, the 1 1/4 Circle, 1/2" Circle, Wide, Large & Small Oval, Word Window and Boho Blossoms punches. The hat is cut freehand and the eyes were punched with the retired Double Circle punch. I used the Hugs & Wishes Stamp Set. The cardstock is Green Galore, Only Orange. Real Red, Chocolate Chip, Creamy Caramel and Basic Black. The Designer Series Paper is Rainbow Sherbet. The Only Orange background is embossed using our Backgrounds 1 Texture Plates and the Big Shot. Of course he is popped up on Dimensionals and holding the happy birthday sign with floss.
I hope your day is as sweet as this little monkey!

Manhattan Flower Easter Cards

Here are the Easter cards I made for my son's teachers. I got the idea from Patty Bennett. You can see her original card by clicking here. For these cards I used the Manhattan Flower Embossing Folder and the Beautiful Butterflies Die with my Big Shot. The Manhattan Embossing Folder and Beautiful Butterflies Die are only available through Stampin' Up! so if you want them let me know!! I also used the new Oval Scallop Punch which is only available until June 30 through the new Occasions Mini Catalog. It layers perfectly with our Large or Small Oval Punches. The Whisper White Satin Ribbon is also available in the Occasions Mini Catalog. Other ribbon used is our Pretty in Pink Taffeta and Lovely Lilac (retired) 1/4" Grosgrain Ribbon. I did use some non-SU! pearls on the butterflies and they are attached with our Tombow Multipurpose Adhesive. I LOVE this glue!!! It goes on really tiny spots or large areas very easily and dries so fast!! It's awesome!! The holes in the butterfly wings were made with the 1/4" Circle Punch and my Crop A Dile (small hole punch). I think the Crop A Dile holes are 1/8". Well, I hope you are glad you stopped by today because I'm glad you did!
Have an extra awesome day!


Scallop Bunny Basket

Here's a super quick little Bunny Basket. Instructions are below. Let me know if you have any questions!
Scallop Circle Die and Big Shot were used to create this basket.

My NEW Email Address

I just wanted to let you all know that I have changed my email address.
My NEW address is
AOL has temporarily suspended my account for some reason and so this change was necessary. I have written a letter to AOL asking for re-activation but who knows how long that will take.
So, for now, if you need to get a hold of me please use my new address.
I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you and I thank you for your patience.
I hope you're having a wonderful day!


Manhattan Flower Embossing Folder

Are you ready for this... how about using your Manhattan Embossing Folder with acetate AND a tin can???!!! I just had to try it. This first card is made with the acetate. I just ran it through my Big Shot and it turned out much prettier that I thought it would. It really looks like glass in person. Well, I couldn't stop there...I've had this cut up Coke can sitting on my desk for a week now, "why not?" I thought. So, I did it. Check out this card. I think I really like it. I didn't think I would but after the card was put together it grew on me.

I would love to hear what you think of these two "different" looking cards. I want your honest opinion too. Don't worry about hurting my feelings. I'm tough, I can take it. :0)

Thanks for coming to see me today. I hope your week is going nicely!


Stamp Camp Projects

Happy Spring!!
Sorry to have been away for so long. I've been really busy with family stuff but hopefully things have slowed down a little so I can show you a few things I've been working on. Following are the projects we made at stamp camp.
Thanks for sticking with me during the busy times and I hope you're enjoying your spring!

Here are all the ladies at stamp camp minus Mary. Mary left a little early and I didn't get a picture of her. Left to right, Roxy, Althea, Lei, Arleene, Kim, Julie. I had a great day with you ladies!! Let's do it again soon!!