

Stamp Camp Projects

Happy Spring!!
Sorry to have been away for so long. I've been really busy with family stuff but hopefully things have slowed down a little so I can show you a few things I've been working on. Following are the projects we made at stamp camp.
Thanks for sticking with me during the busy times and I hope you're enjoying your spring!

Here are all the ladies at stamp camp minus Mary. Mary left a little early and I didn't get a picture of her. Left to right, Roxy, Althea, Lei, Arleene, Kim, Julie. I had a great day with you ladies!! Let's do it again soon!!


  1. as always I love everything you do... thanks for sharing
    surf board and cup cake are esp so cute....

  2. Wow, your stamp camp was definitely good one!! Love ALL the cards. The surf board one is really using the ol' noggin!! Cute as a bug!!
    Also love the polka dot punches one, the cupcakes, ohhhhhhhh I really do like them all!! Thanks for sharing these fantastic cards.


Thank you for taking the time to send me your comments. I read them all and will respond soon if you've left me a message. Thank you and have a wonderful day!