

50,000 BLOG HITS!!! & BLOG CANDY!!!

WOO HOO!!! My blog has hit 50,000 visitors!! THANK YOU so very much for your support of my little ole blog. I sincerely appreciate all of you that stop by and leave me little comments. SO...I believe that deserves some BLOG CANDY!!!

Ok, here's how this will work... Leave a comment on this post telling me how you found my blog and I will randomly choose a winner for some fabulous blog candy!!! Don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win!!!

Thanks again for visiting me. It makes it all worth while!!

Lorraine Castellon-Rowe
Stampin' Up! Demonstrator
Shop Online, View Events,
See Projects, Promotions,
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Visit My Blog:
Home: 510/440-9053
Cell: 408/757-6373
Stamp Studio: 510/573-7693


  1. WOW! Congrats on all the hits.
    I am not sure how I found you! I have been following for a while!

  2. That is so exciting Lorraine, congrats! I'm with Ashleigh and not sure how I found you but I'm sure it was SU! related. Have followed you since then though! :o)

  3. 50,000 blog hits ~ woo hoo! Playing Sherill's Shopping Spree Contest and blog surfing is how I found you. Added your blog to my Google Reader. Thanks for the chance to win blog candy!
    bdlakebum at yahoo dot com

  4. Congratulations Lorraine -- Maybe if I live to 90 I will get that many visiters -- LOL. I'm not surprised you have that many tho because you really do have some awesome projects (love the scrapbooking pages). Thanks again for chance to win blog candy.
    Sandi Dailey

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ooops, I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you how I found your blog (please don't reject me from contest -- I love contests). I found your site through a link from the LNS e-mails to list your blog address. See, Sherrill's idea did work!!
    Sandi Dailey

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Congratulations on your exciting milestone. I have just started using SU products and love them. I found you through Google.

    Thanks so much for inviting us to join in your celebration with your generous giveaway.

    Email: russelljy AT bigpond DOT com (spelled out to avoid spam)

  9. WOW WOW WOW!!! What a milestone!! Congrats and here's to many more thousands of hits! I'm not sure but there are some other blogs that feature different blogs from time to time and if there is a blog and I like what I see I add to my favorites. The other way is thru Stampin Connection.

  10. I found your blog from Jennifer's Blog via Sherrill's Shopping Spree. Congratulations on your milestone! Off now to check out your blog. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

  11. Hi Lorraine! Congrats on the 50000 hits! :) That's awesome! You know how I found your blog - you are the best SU! Upline ever! :)


Thank you for taking the time to send me your comments. I read them all and will respond soon if you've left me a message. Thank you and have a wonderful day!