

Simply Scored

Have you seen our new Simply Scored Scoring Tool??
It's amazing and available to order NOW!!
Read on to find out all the details then click this link to order yours today!
Price: $29.95
*Designed exclusively by Stampin' Up!, the Simply Scored scoring tool is loaded with unique benefits. It comes with a high-quality stylus--with two different sizes of tips--that will comfortably glide over all of your projects, as well as a hidden storage compartment for extra tools and markers!
  • *The Simply Scored scoring tool makes duplicating projects easier than ever before. No more pulling out your ruler and measuring over and over again--just attach the place markers exactly where you need them and create!

  • *The Simply Scored scoring tool has score lines every 1/8" and fits all kinds and sizes of paper up to 12" x 12". Use it on your favorite card stock and Designer Series Paper!

  • *Beyond perfecting scoring, use the Simply Scored scoring tool to add texture to any paper, create 3-D boxes and projects, and so much more. Unleash your creativity--there is no limit to what you can do with this new tool!

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